Dana Theus

Do Meetings Waste Time You Could Otherwise Be Productive?

How much more would you get accomplished if it weren't for meetings? Sometimes it feels like the answer is "a lot" and yet our need to work cohesively with our teammates means meetings are a must. Here's a simple look at how to get the most out of the meetings you attend - and especially those you...

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How Do You Respond To Gender Discrimination & Bias?

What do you do in that moment where you see someone discriminating against you - or another woman? - Click To Tweet Sometimes you want to lash out at gender discrimination. Sometimes you're so flabbergasted you don't know what to say or do. Take some tips from InPowerWomen.com bloggers Dana Theus...

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Dealing with Difficult People

There is simply no getting around the fact that difficult people will be in your life, but what about when they’re your boss? Or your partner? Or your most talented staff member? That’s when things get sticky for most of us. And by sticky I mean that the level of stress in our live pops the charts...

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Infographic: Toxic Employee Showdown

We all know a toxic employee or two, but do we stop to think about the cost of that person to the company or the mission? If you're managing them, you should be! Here's a quick cheat sheet to identify and strategize on how to deal with the most common toxic employee types. Originally on: Get VOIP...

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Plan 2015 by Letting Go of 2014

It's the end of the year! If you're like us you're tempted to run around in circles just trying to get it all done. Dana gives us a reminder—and tools—to bring a more intentional close to 2014. —InPower Editors Think it’s too early to plan 2015? Nope! Now’s the best time. Plan ahead. But don’t...

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Do You Confuse Emotions with Emotional Intelligence (EQ?)

It often surprises my executive coaching clients how important their emotions are to their workplace success. Most of us have been trained to keep our emotions out of the office, so we let lag an ongoing investment in our Emotional Intelligence (EQ). Part of the problem is that investing in...

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Decoding Leadership Presence: 3 Steps to Confidence

Does someone with leadership presence always make a good leader? Can someone without presence lead effectively? Many career gurus will say leadership presence is essential to becoming a good, and ladder-climbing, leader. In my experience, however, many good leaders get ahead with only a mild...

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  It’s Thanksgiving in the States. We want to thank all our writers, staff and followers for making InPowerWomen.com a “go-to” site for women’s leadership and empowerment. Take our deep thanks to your day. No go eat! – InPower Editors  

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