Back in the old days, companies did branding and people did leading. Not so today. Now-a-days if you want to get into, or stay in, leadership and other positions of influence you must have personal branding. In our overwhelmed world, brands – both personal and commercial - consolidate the...
Dana Theus
Lighten Your Soul at Work: How to Declutter Your ToDo List
How do you plan to lighten your soul in the new year? Do you look forward to a new year with anticipation and hope? Or is it more like dread? My clients often tell me that even if they’re excited about the challenges on the horizon in the coming year, they’re overwhelmed with what’s currently on...
The Woman Effect: TEDx MassAveWomen Video & The Research Behind It
On December 3, 2012 I had the honor of speaking to a group of powerful women in Washington DC at a TEDx event, TEDxMassAveWomen. I’m very excited because I’ve long wanted to distill down what InPower Women's about, into a simple but powerful video, and this gave me that chance (video below)....
Speaking Truth To Power – Why Leaders Keep Fools Nearby
In researching Speaking Truth to Power to help people use their own deep wisdom to advance their careers, I stumbled on this great article by James O'Toole on Harvard Business Review called A Culture of Candor. O'Toole gave several examples of corporate cultures that encourage people to challenge...
Sponsor vs. Mentor – 3 Tips for Attracting a Sponsor
Is “Executive Sponsor” is the New “Mentor” for Women Leaders? The missing piece in women's advancement strategies into leadership? Mentorship helps us be effective, but it’s not as helpful at helping us get a job as sponsorship is. Dana takes a look at what is means to have a sponsor vs. a mentor...
Year End: The Psychology of Closure
Have you ever noticed that once you can tell a story about something, it’s in the past? The year’s end is upon us and I observe my clients reaching for closure to make sense of another time of upheaval in the world. I encourage everyone to engage the psychology of closure, not just at year...
What’s Wrong With Women’s Empowerment?
What’s wrong with women’s empowerment? Nothing and everything. - Click To Tweet At its best, women’s empowerment programs are an organizational (or social) recognition that cultural barriers diminish women’s chances to succeed and make an attempt to counteract those forces to give women a better...
Career Audit: How Much Worklife Bliss Did You Achieve?
Where Has “Normal” Career Planning Gotten You? How are you doing in your career? Are you where you want to be? Is everything hunky dory? Do you end every day at work glad to be alive? If every answer isn’t an enthusiastic YES! Then it’s time to do a career audit and see just how much “bliss”...
Dear Dana Workplace Advice: Lots of Interviews, But No Job Offer!
Welcome to “Dear Dana”, our weekly column to give you career and workplace advice/coaching. Please write in and tell me about a career challenge or frustration you’re facing at the office! – Dana Theus Dear Dana, I have been on a number of interviews and they all seem to go well. I have a number...
3 Reasons Effective Communication Skills On Technical Subjects Are Hard To Master
Miscommunication happens. The very nature of human communication dictates that the meaning I have inside me will become distorted by the time it makes it out of my mouth, through your ears and into your brain. But what happens when our brains seem wired very differently or our technical...