Dana Theus

Executive Communications: Start with the Bottom Line

Every single one of my coaching clients face challenges with executive communications in one form or another. The most common contexts in which these issues come up include these two dimensions of personal branding and executive presence: Communicating in an executive fashion to be seen as a...

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Decoding Leadership Presence: 3 Steps to Confidence

One of the most important things women can do to accelerate their career is develop authentic confidence. But it’s not always easy. Dana decodes leadership presence for women in this post based on her experience helping women adapt to a male business culture. – InPower Editors Decoding Leadership...

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3 Myths About a Coaching Leadership Style

The more authority you gain in an organization, the more you realize that your greatest impact results from growing other leaders rather than simply making decisions and doing things yourself. This basic dynamic of leadership isn’t always obvious to those with less authority. When you don’t have...

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How to Ask Someone to Be Your Mentor: A Step-by-Step Guide

Key Takeaways: Organic Mentoring: Formal requests aren't always necessary; consistent seeking of advice can naturally cultivate mentoring relationships over time. Clarify Your Goals: Understand your career objectives and challenges before seeking mentorship to effectively communicate your needs to...

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Set Your Career Intention For the Year Ahead

Do the words “fresh start” or "intention setting" come to mind as a new school term approaches? What would a fresh start mean for you at work? At the start of the school term, students often get a list of what to pull together and how to prepare. We as adults at work need to take a look at that...

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Being Bold at Work

Many women think they are not leading, and yet they are. Why? Because they are setting their intentions, achieving them and making the world better as a result. We’d like more women to know how to be bold at work. Not to get the credit (though, you should take credit that’s due you!) but because...

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Who Do You Work For (Really)?

I had lunch recently with a career coach who works for one of those big outplacement firms. She told me something that really opened my eyes. Whereas until about five years ago, many companies would include “career development” in their definition of employee development, they don’t do that...

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