Dana Theus

INSIGHT: Vision vs. Reality

How much energy do you spend trying to push back reality? Many of us deplete ourselves unconsciously by fighting reality with vision, and then we wonder why the heck we’re so tired. What insight can we draw from this cycle? I know I can fall into this pit, even with the most noble of goals: to...

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Leadership and Power

What is power? It turns out that power means different things to different people, and really is only tangentially related to actual leadership, but in almost all cases power is related to the use of resources and the ability to change the world. The typical definitions of power that I have picked up in having this discussion online over the last few months are all related to “external” power and the manipulation of resources and circumstances outside ourselves. Yet two kinds of “internal” power are at least as important. Not all those in power are leaders, but all true leaders have power.

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When You’re In Power, Are Those Around You Threatened?

Sometimes when we begin to refine our understanding of power, and consciously work to bring more of our own power to the fore in our lives, it creates discomfort with – or for – those close to us, including colleagues, employees, friends and even spouses and children. If others have become used to you giving your power away, when you take it back this can surprise them, and sometimes even threaten them. This can be true when you are granted external power as well, and those around you are not used to the new level of responsibility you now shoulder. As I launch into the Take Back Your Power series of blog posts I think it’s important to acknowledge this dynamic and prepare for how to handle these situations.

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Keys to Success: 2 Tricks for Goal-Setting and Personal Change

Leadership, career and success gurus place a huge focus on goals as keys to success. There are tons of articles, books, videos, classes and “systems” on how to set goals, how to organize them and how to “keep” them. Entire franchises have been built on this one productivity skill. And with good...

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Dear Dana Workplace Advice: How Not to Find a Dream Job

Welcome to “Dear Dana”, our weekly column to give you career and workplace advice/coaching. Please write in and tell me about a career challenge or frustration you’re facing at the office! – Dana Theus Dear Dana, I have done a lot of research on my dream job (thanks to your tools!) but I have an...

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Innovative Leadership 101: Develop a Perspective Protocol

Sometimes we have to accept the reality that innovation can’t always be planned,  but when we find a pattern to help us increase the likelihood of spontaneity – why not try to learn it and bake it into the corporate culture? In their new book “Great by Choice,” Jim Collins and Morten Hansen have...

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Giving Away Your Personal Power – And Taking It Back

Just like balancing on one foot, once you understand the feeling of InPower, it’s easier to identify when you unconsciously give your power away and can take steps to retrieve it and catch yourself earlier next time. “Taking back your power” is as simple – and as hard – as paying attention to these emotional signals and putting yourself in a genuinely positive state. Sometimes this is easier than others, causing us to learn to let go of beliefs and unconscious reactions that no longer serve us, and other times it’s really quite easy. Always it is a choice. Once we become adept at managing our own InPower balanced state, we can also practice it in the world, helping others around us attain more InPower so that the groups we lead as a whole can access more power. An InPower leader can not only foster group power, but direct it into achieving great things in the world.

This is the second post in the Take Back Your Power series of posts.

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