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Activating The Woman Effect
First written and posted in 2012, I still stand by this philosophy, and am updating it in 2024. Stay tuned! This last year blogging here on Reclaiming Leadership has been fun and fascinating. Along the way I found myself speaking to and with wonderful, powerful women....
Daydream Stress Reduction
To kick off Stress Awareness Month, Dana let her mind wander and this is what came out. – InPower Editors I’ve been working hard lately and last week I hit a wall. My brain couldn’t take another step and it took me 20 minutes to write a two paragraph email simply...
Does Women’s Emotional Intelligence Help Us Get Into Leadership?
Is women's emotional intelligence (EQ) likely to help you or hurt you when you're on the leadership track? How well do you handle your emotions at work? Too many women and men read that question as a damnation of women who can’t control their emotions in the office....
Dear Dana Career Advice: Can I Change A Toxic Corporate Culture Or Should I Leave?
Welcome to “Dear Dana”, our weekly column to give you career and workplace advice/coaching. Please write in and tell me about a career challenge or frustration you’re facing at the office! – Dana Theus Dear Dana, I loved your article on why my dream job isn’t a dream!...
3 Things My Dog Reminded Me About Employee Performance and Employee Engagement
I rescued a pup last Fall. His name is Loki and he's a Pomeranian and something-or-other mix. One thing I didn't know about a rescue dog is that they've often been traumatized (e.g., abusive owners, time on the streets etc.) and it takes a while for their real...
What’s Your Dream Job and How Can Knowing it Light Up Your Soul?
Let’s face it: work is work. Even the best dream job turns into a daily grind eventually. And what if you’re in a job search? Looking for a job is work, too! What can make work less work? Hint: know the answer to the question “What’s your dream job?” Wait....
Popular Posts
5 Steps to Taming Your Emotional Triggers
We welcome Dr. Marcia Reynolds back to the site to provide insight into ways of understanding and releasing your emotional triggers. Learn about Marcia's book, The Discomfort Zone and how to turn discomfort into a leadership asset. – InPower Editors How to Tame...
7 Ways to Survive A Bully Boss
There’s an old stereotype about female bosses, which is that they can be really mean, and for some reason women are often the ones to perpetuate this story about female leaders. Personally, I don’t think this is particularly more common – or more important – to think...
Career Advice: Examples of Team Accomplishments When Applying for a Job
Welcome to “Dear Dana”, a column to give you career and workplace advice/coaching from executive coach, Dana Theus Dear Dana, I am updating my resume to apply for jobs. I read your article about "speaking accomplishments." I liked your advice and will apply it to how...
3 Ways to Give Yourself Permission to Succeed
Many times the voice in our head holds us back. So it is quite often the voice in our head that needs to give us permission to move forward. Whether you're an entrepreneur or not, Elizabeth's advice will give you permission to do this more often! - InPower Editors...
The Role of Dialogue in Performance Reviews
Working in low-income communities, I’ve learned that leadership and management are not only skills that increase productivity, they can and should be empowerment skills as well. Dialogue, in particular, has become my go-to strategy for empowering the people who work...
Why Mentorship Isn’t Enough To Help Women Get into Leadership
We hear a lot about how, in addition to mentors and mentorship, women need assistance to get into leadership. They need sponsors to help make it into the executive ranks. But how do you learn what a sponsor wants? Dana turns it around and invites you to start...
How to Ask Someone to Be Your Mentor: A Step-by-Step Guide
Key Takeaways: Organic Mentoring: Formal requests aren't always necessary; consistent seeking of advice can naturally cultivate mentoring relationships over time. Clarify Your Goals: Understand your career objectives and challenges before seeking mentorship to...
Questions to Ask a Mentor
Mentors are a true career asset, whether they are “officially” part of a formal mentoring relationship (often matched through a mentoring program) or unofficially informal relationships that grow organically. Regardless of how you enter a mentoring...
What are Long-Term Goals for Your Career and Why You Should Set Them
If you’re focused on achieving your highest potential, you need to set long-term goals for your career. In any situation, goal-setting gives you clarity and direction, which helps you stay focused. In career planning and strategy, however, goals are the critical piece...
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Career Advice
Sponsor vs. Mentor – 3 Tips for Attracting a Sponsor
Is “Executive Sponsor” is the New “Mentor” for Women Leaders? The missing piece in women's advancement strategies into leadership? Mentorship helps us be effective, but it’s not as helpful at helping us get a job as sponsorship is. Dana takes a look at what is means...
Career Audit: How Much Worklife Bliss Did You Achieve?
Where Has “Normal” Career Planning Gotten You? How are you doing in your career? Are you where you want to be? Is everything hunky dory? Do you end every day at work glad to be alive? If every answer isn’t an enthusiastic YES! Then it’s time to do a career audit and...
3 Ways To Thrive During Life Changes
Have you ever lost your job? Cute quotes about making lemonade out of lemonade don't quite cut it when you get the news, do they? Dealing with change is tough, even for those of us who've practiced a lot. We really like Andria's simple rules for handling the...
Women in Leadership
Does Women’s Emotional Intelligence Help Us Get Into Leadership?
Is women's emotional intelligence (EQ) likely to help you or hurt you when you're on the leadership track? How well do you handle your emotions at work? Too many women and men read that question as a damnation of women who can’t control their emotions in the office....
3 Ways to Give Yourself Permission to Succeed
Many times the voice in our head holds us back. So it is quite often the voice in our head that needs to give us permission to move forward. Whether you're an entrepreneur or not, Elizabeth's advice will give you permission to do this more often! - InPower Editors...
The Woman Effect: TEDx MassAveWomen Video & The Research Behind It
On December 3, 2012 I had the honor of speaking to a group of powerful women in Washington DC at a TEDx event, TEDxMassAveWomen. I’m very excited because I’ve long wanted to distill down what InPower Women's about, into a simple but powerful video, and this gave me...
Diversity & Inclusion
Unintended Consequences Matter: Learning to See Bystanderism and Microaggression as Contributors to Employee Turnover in the Workplace
Efforts to increase diversity in our workplaces has been dismally slow over the last few decades, despite business initiatives, research and even expansions of the very definition of diversity. Like many, I find this frustrating. I find it especially frustrating that...
The Game Is Rigged: Strategies for Overcoming Unconscious Bias
When it comes to unconscious bias, the bad news is that the game is rigged–against women, people of color, introverts and others that don’t fit a certain “success” stereotype that is often male, white and extroverted. But the good news is, it’s not really a game so...
Leadership Perspective: Are Traditional Measures of Workforce Diversity Outdated?
Despite being the #1 recruiting trend for 2018 for businesses, and despite decades of trying to improve workforce diversity demographics in the workplace, the commercial sector has made little progress. I believe this supports the theory that homogeneous workplaces...