Career Development

Five Steps to Own Your Development Plan

Are you wondering what’s next for your career?  I always love it when I get e-mails from our blog community about the challenges they are facing. The e-mail I got recently inspired me to write a blog post on the topic. Jane (not her real name), is someone who wants to really grow her leadership....

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4 Traits That Fuel Success

What does it mean to be a success or to have success?  How will you know when you’ve made it?  Most of the images we see of success involve some version of wealth and affluence—diamonds, yachts and private planes.  What is often missing is the story behind the stuff—what was the path successful...

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3 Ways to Make Your Work More Meaningful

Why do you do what you do?  That was the question I set out to answer after re-watching Simon Sinek’s hugely popular TED talk called “How Great Leaders Inspire Action.”  His theory is that too many companies talk about what they do and how they do it, when instead, they should lead with why they...

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As We Get More Women in STEM, Have We Limited Their Options?

About a month ago, my friend Maureen called me for advice. A young family friend, April, was entering college, and she was getting a lot of pressure to be a STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) major from family and teachers. She excelled at math and science, but she loved her English...

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The Dollars and Sense of Women and Work

As a career coach and seminar leader, I’ve met hundreds of “stay-at-home mothers” who spend months—or even years—weighing the pros and cons of returning to work. Though the immediate assumption would be that these women can easily afford never to work again, I’ve learned that even in affluent...

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The Key to Planning for Success in Business and in Life

By: Tammy Leigh Kahn Sometimes you can’t help but think of mistakes you’ve made, but here’s why you should let go of the past and make room for the present. As entrepreneurs, we all swing for the fences. Sometimes we hit a grand slam, sometimes it’s a single or a double, and sometimes, we strike...

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How To Craft A Rebound

On average, we make 11.7 career changes according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. That’s a lot of rebounds, comebacks and course corrections. I know I have followed my authentic self onto a new path close to a dozen times so far. Career shifts are never easy, but always worth it. This article...

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Want a True Start-up Business? You Need 3 Things.

What are the keys to business success? It turns out is the same as the keys to life success! - InPower Editors A couple of weekends ago, I volunteered at the Dallas Startup Weekend: Women’s Edition, held at the Dallas Entrepreneur Center (the DEC). If you haven’t been to a startup weekend, think...

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11 Traits That Sabotage Driven People

Sometimes the most successful people are prone to some of the most brutal self-talk. Here's the big surprise. Self-sabatoge isn't what makes you successful. However successful you are, you can be even more successful without it! - InPower Editors For as long as I can remember, I have been driven...

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