Career Development

Who am I? A Fresh Approach to Personal Brand Identity

Want to go places in your career? A lot of people will give you advice about your personal brand identity when you tell them you’re looking for new opportunities. In our socially visible culture, personal branding is that elusive skill that requires us to present ourselves authentically, visibly...

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Wake Up To Your Fluid Career Development Opportunity

Happy Valentines Day! This year we wanted to give you a new way to love yourself, by sharing a career development perspective designed to help you take the pressure off yourself, take more credit for what you’ve achieved and strategize more productively about where you go next. Welcome to your...

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Reframing How to Delegate

Delegation is often seen as a low-level management and productivity skill when in fact it’s also a higher management and leadership skill. How to Delegate is something even senior execs should know in order to help develop the people working for them. – InPower Editors Delegation: It’s Not About...

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Leadership Tips: Don’t (S)mother Your Staff

Welcome to our newest blogger, Mary Brodie! Mary's day job is at HP but she has a lot more going on than that! We love her leadership tips and "insights from the trenches" of leadership and hope you do too! Welcome Mary below. - InPower Editors I'm often told that I have a unique management style...

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How to be a Game Changer

Women are often told not to play the business game by the same rules as the men. We don’t fare well when we do. But what are we supposed to do? Birute gives us an awesome example of what a female game changer looks and acts like. Go Celeste! (and Jane!) – InPower Editors Be a game changer: 3...

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Do Women Really Have Effective Communication Skills?

Women are great communicators... aren't we? Well, it depends on what you think the most successful aspect of communication really is. Mary hits it right on the nose. Good communicators, and powerful people, are excellent listeners. Effective communications skills start with listening. - InPower...

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Kindness In Leadership

A stereotypical leader is not always "kind," yet kindness can be one of the most important leadership qualities when it comes to building employee loyalty and motivation. Being kind also doesn't mean bing a sap. Know the difference to be a great leader. - InPower Editors  Strong leadership and...

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