Career Development

Questions to Ask a Mentor

Mentors are a true career asset, whether they are “officially” part of a formal mentoring relationship (often matched through a mentoring program) or unofficially informal relationships that grow organically. Regardless of how you enter a mentoring relationship it’s important to be...

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5 Tips to Making A Difference At Work and In the World

We all flirt with burn-out for a million reasons. Here are five strategies from Laurie to help us put out the flames before they consume us and making a difference at work. How many of these things are you doing already? What more can you do to invest in your sanity and impact? - InPower Editors...

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Managing Up!

The term “managing up” sometimes gets a bad rap. It can seem self-serving and manipulative. At Living Vicky we help young women new to the workforce overcome negative stereotypes.  For entry-level young professionals we recommend taking a proactive and genuine approach to interacting with the...

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5 Ways for Women to Stop Competing and Start Collaborating

Most of us do it. We compare ourselves to the "ideal" and we compare others to the idea, too. But this gets in the way of developing supportive relationships that help us too. Mary reminds us how not to isolate ourselves in a judgmental vacuum to get the support we need and to stop competin. -...

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Entrepreneurs: Stop Chasing the Dragon!

Why do you do what you do? Mary reminds all of us - especially entrepreneurs - how important it is to focus on the right motivations to achieve the success that matters most. - InPower Editors I enjoy using inappropriate phrases to describe appropriate things. There's a shock value that comes with...

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Mentoring: How to Help Yourself, and Your Team Grow

I have a complicated relationship with mentoring. Though I’d heard that mentoring was important, I never felt I received much mentoring early in my career, certainly not by anyone who looked like me (I only had one female boss, once, for three months). With decades of workforce experience under my...

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Constructive vs Destructive Complaining

Admit it. Sometimes you just need to whine a bit. Complaining is a natural impulse to experiencing things that we don't like. Mary gives us a great gift in helping distinguish constructive complaining from destructive complaining. Use her wisdom the next time you feel like whining! - InPower...

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