Efforts to increase diversity in our workplaces has been dismally slow over the last few decades, despite business initiatives, research and even expansions of the very definition of diversity. Like many, I find this frustrating. I find it especially frustrating that in light of #metoo, the public...
Corporate Culture
3 Ways Emotional Intelligence Can Cure the Toxic Boss
Emotional Intelligence (EQ) is the cure for the Toxic Boss. But of course, it’s not quite that easy. S/he’s a boss, after all! Sadly, this cure does not come in the form of pill, either. Toxic bosses are a disease in the workplace and corporate culture more broadly. Like most diseases toxicity has...
Leadership Perspective: Are Traditional Measures of Workforce Diversity Outdated?
Despite being the #1 recruiting trend for 2018 for businesses, and despite decades of trying to improve workforce diversity demographics in the workplace, the commercial sector has made little progress. I believe this supports the theory that homogeneous workplaces are more the result of...
The Secrets to Empowered Leadership – Turn The Ship Around (Book Review)
Many women are praised for having an intuitive handle on empowering those who work for them. Whether women are naturally good at this skill or not, true empowerment is the most challenging leadership style to master. Last month I read a book, Turn the Ship Around, that I think really nails the...
Managing A Team With Psychological Safety To Achieve Team Productivity
You gotta love Google. Who else would conduct a data study on human soft skills dynamics to teach us what we already know? Ok, maybe we don’t already “know” that psychological safety produces more successful teams, but we each individually know: we’re more comfortable adding our two cents on the...
Unlocking the Benefits of Reverse Mentoring
Mentoring is often thought of to help younger employees develop by passing on the wisdom of more experienced leaders. And it is! But that model ignores all the wisdom that many people have to give those of us who sit in leadership positions. And there is a lot that early career employees have to...
The Business Case for Strategic Focus on Organizational Culture
In the early 1980’s Robert Levering, a journalist, and his writing partner Milt Moskowitz set out on a three-year tour to travel the United States. They interviewed employees across the country to find out what made for a really good work environment. They asked two questions: “What makes this a...
Unconscious Bias: The Key to Effective Gender Communication
In executive coaching (both women and men) I’ve often observed that two parallel stories about women and men in the workplace often coexist. First, “women and men communicate differently” is a truth that few bother to deny. Second, “men and women are treated equally in the workplace.” To me, it’s...
Middle Managers – The Critical (Weak) Link of Change Management
If you were in charge of your corporate culture and knew it needed fixing, would you fix it? Certainly anyone in charge of change management would want to say yes to this question, but as anyone who is actually in charge of corporate culture knows, it’s harder than it looks. I like to think of...
Workplace Bias is a Fact: How not to run a meritocracy (and 3 ways to try)
It's counter-intuitive that if we don't think we are biased, we probably are! But when you realize that bias is natural and that we all have it, then it makes sense that being aware of your bias is the best way to counter-act it. We love this advice from Dana on how to think about bias and work to...