We all know a toxic employee or two, but do we stop to think about the cost of that person to the company or the mission? If you're managing them, you should be! Here's a quick cheat sheet to identify and strategize on how to deal with the most common toxic employee types. Originally on: Get VOIP...
Coaching Advice
Work-Life Balance: Return to Work While the Going’s Good
What's the cost of opting out of the workforce, for a little while or a long while? Many women don't do the calculation of what they lose by staying at home to take care of kids - and parents! Go in eyes open, as Kathryn advises. - InPower Editors So often women tell me that they’ll return to work...
Are You Putting Your Superpowers to Work?
Do you have a super power? Of course you do! It's what you do best and when you know what it is and work to build your success around it, you might be unstoppable! Henna shows us how. - InPower Editors If I asked you “What’s your superpower,” would you be able to articulate it? John Henry, the...
Practicing Compassion: Let’s Cut Each Other a Break
By: Mary Schaefer Sometimes it's tough to give people the benefit of the doubt. But we should do it anyway. - InPower Editors Have you ever had someone accuse you of an offense that you were totally unaware of? Maybe you unknowingly got ahead of them in line at the coffee shop. Or you inched out...
What’s Your Purpose? [Video]
Why it important to tap into your "purpose" to help you succeed in your career? The discussion of your life's purpose is talked about a lot, but still not well understood by many women. Join Executive Coach Dana Theus and Purpose Coach, Carin Rockind in a live video discussion of the relationship...
Fearlessness: The Key To Effective Feedback
Feedback is so important to our careers and effectiveness, and yet it freaks so many of us out. What can we do to get better at giving and receiving feedback? - InPower Editors When you think about it, giving and receiving feedback is pretty much all communication is. You talk. I listen. Then I...
5 Practices To Go From Fears to Fierce
Does this situation sound familiar? You want to really go for that promotion but you don’t think you’re quite ready so you don’t raise your hand. You’ve been thinking about pursuing an entrepreneurial venture but are afraid of losing the steady paycheck so you don’t take the next step toward your...
The To-Do List Method That Actually Works
Try these productivity tips to supercharge your day. I’m pretty sure there is no new information you could come up with as it relates to productivity and procrastination. Just about anything I could tell you has been written about at some point by someone, and in many cases, at many points by many...
How To Deal With A Jerk At Work
There is nothing that will ruin your day or drain your energy faster than having to deal with a jerk at work. You know whom I’m talking about. The guy who slams a door in your face. The gal who yells. The guy who throws a temper tantrum when you disagree with him. Yes, it would be great if this...
Communicating Powerfully
Have you ever noticed how many leadership development resources emphasize effective communication? How many bosses will mark you down (or up!) for your communication skills? Have you ever thought about why it's so important for your career success to be a good communicator? In ancient times, some...