Of all the ways to improve your business, have you considered adding creativity to the mix? As Bill Moyer says, “Creativity is piercing the mundane to find the marvelous.” As an artist turned entrepreneur, I know that creativity has helped me find the marvelous, the innovative and the...
Coaching Advice
It’s Thanksgiving in the States. We want to thank all our writers, staff and followers for making InPowerWomen.com a “go-to” site for women’s leadership and empowerment. Take our deep thanks to your day. No go eat! – InPower Editors
Working Moms Have Mommy Energy! [VIDEO INTERVIEW]
I’m excited to interview Lizzy McGrory, who turned her own struggles to be a successful working mom into a coaching practice that helps working moms find their power from the inside out. She’s written a book about it, too, which is full of practical tips, advice and exercises. We believe this...
11 Things Your Team Can Teach You About Leadership
It's typical to think that your boss will teach you to be a better leader, but sometimes the most important lessons come from below or along-side. These young entrepreneurs share amazing leadership advice about what they've learned from their employees. - InPower Editors You hired your employees...
The Busyness of Feeling Like a Browser with 1,000 Open Tabs
Is your life crazy? Do you find yourself reacting and saying things you wish you hadn't to people you love? Emily has some wise words for you if you said "yes." And if you didn't, send them to someone who needs to hear them! - InPower Editors The other day I was having dinner at a friend’s house....
The Devils in the Details – or is it the Decisions?
Details! Details! Sometimes rising in the ranks - to work with leaders and BE a leader - is a fine balance between understanding details and letting them go. Mary helps us walk this line by looking at world-class leaders, and at herself. - InPower Editors [Tweet "Details matter. It’s worth waiting...
Finding Purpose in Your Fab 40’s Video 2
No more midlife crisis! In Power Women's series, "Finding Purpose in Your Fabulous 40's" will get you unstuck and loving life. In this second video, Carin Rockind, founder of #ThisIs40, the movement for women to feel free and fabulous, unveils her 4 step process to live your unique purpose. It all...
Finding Purpose in your Fabulous 40’s
Is there still such a thing as a "mid-life crisis?" Well, it may not look like the guy with the red drop-top, but many women experience this desire for something else between the ages of 35 and 45. Carin brings us into her own experience with this very personal video to help you find your courage...
Relaxation: A Secret to Personal Power
When we first met Sameer, martial artist, coach and all around interesting guy, we were struck by the way he embodied personal power. Getting to know him we discovered a seeker, guru, teacher and coach who understands how personal - inner - power translates into external power in the world in very...
5 Steps to Getting Back In Control
Sometimes we feel yanked around by our work—our life—or both. We can’t get on top of the pile. We can’t even stop to catch our breath. The list of stuff we’re not doing crushes the list of stuff we’ve accomplished. We can’t breathe and feel helpless and out of control. All this means is that we’ve...