Personal Mastery

Why Hire a Life Coach?

May is National Mental Health Awareness month! Here at InPower Coaching, we view “health” very holistically, to include your sense of well-being. People often ask the difference between therapy and coaching. There’s a big difference! In fact they often work well side-by-side. Therapy takes you...

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Personality Assessments and Beginner’s Mind

I recently had one of those moments that caused me to take myself down a notch. I took one of the personality assessments I’ve used with clients (one designed especially for women on the leadership track) and didn’t like some of the results. When Valerie was coaching me on my results I got grumpy...

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3 Strategies For How To Manage Stress

 April is Stress Awareness Month, so guess what we'll be writing about a lot? Yes! How to manage stress! We're kicking it off with Laurie Erdman, a true expert in the art of stress release, health and getting a lot done. - InPower Editors Imagine if there were a disease affecting three out of four...

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Job Satisfaction Secret

What if I told you there was a secret to job satisfaction and if you only knew the secret, you’d achieve all the success you could imagine? Of course it’s not that easy…. Or is it? Choose to let go of the story you tell yourself that makes you feel unsatisfied. April Fools! There IS a secret! The...

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How to Achieve Your Goals

Hey it's not the "new year" anymore, how are those resolutions coming? Yeah... us too. Enjoy Mary's more pragmatic take on what brings real change to your life. - InPower Editors Tired of the whole “new year, new you” resolution practice? Most times, it doesn’t happen. On average it takes you 66...

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7 Tips for Bouncing Back From Disappointment

  Life isn’t fair. You can’t always get what you want. Even though you know this, disappointment hurts anyway. You can’t think yourself into feeling better. The shift has to be made emotionally. Hopefully, you will be able to shift to feeling gratitude or happiness after a setback. Most...

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A Lesson From the Season: Change and Letting Go

It’s Fall in Washington, DC. Watching the leaves turn color always makes me think about change. Did you know that when the leaves turn, the green does not actually change into a different color? Rather, the chlorophyl that creates the green color simply falls away, revealing the amazing reds,...

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Leaders: Our Internal Relationships Are Vitally Important

True success is not about how much money we make, it’s about our relationships, our helping others succeed.                                   I am blessed to hear wonderful sermons at my local parish church. While the messages are about our values and how we lead our lives, I often feel that they...

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