INSIGHT: Good Morning Commitment

by | Mar 27, 2015 | Insights & Inspiration

It’s been a tense week here in DC – in the news and in the house – as my furloughed husband putters around unable to work for the people; our family income literally held hostage to dysfunctional leadership.

Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should.

As tempting as it is to withhold genuine “good morning” wishes for the people on my morning walk who have the wrong bumper sticker or have the wrong sign in their yard, I choose to hold to my commitment to speak to the good in others.

Yes, I’m angry and no one would blame me for letting my anger out at them by keeping my eyes ahead and my lips shut. To make matters worse, I’m aware that their noisy anger and my compassionate silence is, in part, exacerbating this public debate as those hurt by furloughs and lack of services choose not to fight anger with anger.

But I’ve never seen anger dispel anger, only conquer it briefly until it flares up, rejuvenated. I’ve only seen compassion and love dispel anger, allowing the fire to burn out in it’s own time and way, starved of fuel to build.

So I take a deep breath, release my anger and smile a warm “good morning” to everyone on my walk, regardless of their bumper sticker, yard sign, clothes or skin color.

It’s all I can do, so I do it.

How about you? How can you help starve the anger of its fuel?


Dana Theus

Dana Theus

Dana Theus is an executive coach specializing in helping you activate your highest potential to succeed and to shine. With her support emerging and established leaders, especially women, take powerful, high-road shortcuts to developing their authentic leadership style and discovering new levels of confidence and impact. Dana has worked for Fortune 50 companies, entrepreneurial tech startups, government and military agencies and non-profits and she has taught graduate-level courses for several Universities. learn more

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