Do you ever worry about where you are? Where the other person is? In the argument, the process or the project?
Where you are is less important than how far apart you are.
In my experience most of us spend a lot of energy worrying about where we’re at, and not enough strategizing about what space lies between us and our goals.
There are many reasons to spend your energy closing the gap, and here is my favorite: in the gap there is space to move.
The only thing to worry about where you are is you, and the fact that you’re not at goal. Worry is wasted energy. Within the gap is space, and within space action is more natural. Put your energy into moving within the space between where you are and where you want to be.
Space usually also provides options. You can take the low road or the high road. The shortcut or the long way. You choose, based on what kind of journey best accomplishes your objective. Choice is power and in space you have more power.
What spaces lie between where you are and where you’re going? What’s your plan for using them?
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