Have you ever noticed how unmade decisions can gang up on you and hold you down?
INSIGHT: Analysis has it’s limits. Know where they are.
If you’re ever feeling powerless, make a few decisions. Watch how your INpower meter pops up. Choice is power so when you need a power boost, make a choice.
But some decisions seem harder to make than others and the ones that drag us down the most are the ones we want to decide themselves, but which simply don’t comply with our desire to make it so easy! We want to decide X but the data doesn’t justify it, or doesn’t show up in time or is rather debatable… so we don’t decide. And then that decision just hangs around us, piled on our desks, dangling off our todo lists or nagging us in the form of that somebody who wants the decision made even more than we do. We think about it more. We wonder aloud. We ask questions and noodle it with colleagues, but the decision simply doesn’t present itself.