Do you ever wish you could just put aside all the reports and charts and meaningless details and get.things.done?
You can. Go ahead, put them aside. Don’t worry. They’re not going anywhere and you can pick them up again in just a bit. But try this simple intuitive leadership exercise and watch the charts mean more.
Get up and walk around the block, breathing consciously the whole time.
Walk around the block again – imagining the success those charts are striving for as vividly as possible. Give yourself permission to imagine that all the details and problems have been overcome. What are people doing when success has been achieved? What’s different in that world of success? Let your self BE in that world all the way around the block. What are YOU doing with your days? Walk until you can see and feel and experience that successful world.
Walk around the block one more time (3rd times the charm) and set your intention on achieving that imagined successful future. Ask yourself: what 3 things (3 is magic) must happen to achieve that success, that aren’t true today?
Now go back to your desk and pick up the charts and graphs and reports again. Look at them from the point of view of that successful world your set on achieving and those three things that must happen to bring it about. What do you see now?
How glorious an action in and of itself, it ought not to pass for great if it be not the effect of wisdom and intention. – Franscois de La Rochefoucauld