Why did the executive cross the road?
Doesn’t it strike you as ironic that some of the best laughs we have at the office are when we’re sharing a Dilbert cartoon or joking about how much this meeting reminds us of a scene from The Office?
So often office humor is just us laughing at how incredibly absurd and unfunny the workplace can be. You know, like when you get your travel authorization two days after the plane takes off, or when the copier breaks right before every single meeting with your boss when you need copies. (Of course, it totally knows you’re running late!)
The workplace can certainly be a place with little room for joy. But it doesn’t have to be that way.
Take your joy to work and get more done.
In fact, the reason we love such forehead slapping office humor is because laughing lightens our mood, floods us with happier hormones and makes any situation a little more bearable. It wakes us up and helps us focus. And what better place to feel a little better than the place we spend so much of our life?
So lighten up.
Giggle a little when things are serious.
Find the humor and share it with others, even if it’s just slapping your forehead over reality.
Why did the executive cross the road? To get to the other side, silly!
Hey, no one said it had to be a good joke!