I rescued a pup last Fall. His name is Loki and he's a Pomeranian and something-or-other mix. One thing I didn't know about a rescue dog is that they've often been traumatized (e.g., abusive owners, time on the streets etc.) and it takes a while for their real personalities to become apparent....
EQ & Soft Skills Research
Reframing Change Management Theory as an Act of Creation
As a technology and marketing professional, an executive coach and a human recovering from trauma, I have studied change ever since I can remember. In fact, change and transformation have become my personal way of life and nothing gives me more pleasure than helping others learn to walk this path...
Managing A Team With Psychological Safety To Achieve Team Productivity
You gotta love Google. Who else would conduct a data study on human soft skills dynamics to teach us what we already know? Ok, maybe we don’t already “know” that psychological safety produces more successful teams, but we each individually know: we’re more comfortable adding our two cents on the...
Leadership Tips for the Modern Fluid Workforce
At InPower Coaching, we look for workplace trends that impact both the individual and the organization. The InPower team has covered the story of the “fluid career” for individuals, and in this post, we explore the flip side of that workplace trend: what business leaders need to know about...
EQ@Work Resources: The Consortium for Research on Emotional Intelligence in Organizations
InPower Coaching believes that successful organizations are made up of successful people. That’s why we focus on how emotional intelligence (“EI”), or “EQ” in individual employees creates a more productive and enjoyable work environment. There is an abundance of research that studies EQ. As a...
It’s A Matter Of Survival: The Four Conversations That Set Off Emotional Triggers
As we approach summer, I'm reminded of the family road trip. The kind with screaming kids, barking dogs and parents hoping they don't harm one of those screaming kids. The family road trip seems an apt analogy to end this month's theme of preserving your mental health with emotional...
Crying at Work – And Other Emotionally Intelligent Career Advancement Strategies
I’m not a cryer, but that doesn’t mean I’ve never found myself crying at work – or wanting to very, very, very, badly. Harsh judgements, bullies, layoffs, no sleep, big risks gone sideways, bad personal news crashing into our workdays…there are many good reasons that tears are an appropriate...
24/7 Employee Development – Facilitating Professional and Personal Growth
According to the Harvard Business Review article, “The Neuroscience of Trust” leaders intuitively understand that a lack of employee engagement is detrimental to achieving business objectives. But they’re often stymied for ways to address this problem. The author of the article, neuroeconomist...
Conflict Management Trick: RIGHT vs. RIGHT
Every time I do a leadership training seminar at least one person in the room always has the same light bulb go off when I introduce the Conflict Management idea of RIGHT vs. RIGHT, described in Chris McGoff’s The PRIMES. You can see it in their eyes when they are able to perceive an alternative...
My Wish List for Senior Executives
What key skill should every senior executive (and anyone aspiring to be one someday) master? The art of listening. John helps us understand why this is so important. How can you improve your listening skills this week? (We all can!) - InPower Editors Several people asked me recently what the most...