Coaching Advice

Real Life Monsters: 3 Career Lessons from a Bad Boss

Hopefully the biggest monsters you find on this Oct. 31st will be knocking on your door looking for candy, but sometimes a bad boss happens. When you find yourself working for someone who is insecure or over his or her own head it can make your job even harder. We like Dana’s advice for thinking...

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What’s The Productivity Toll of Holiday Stress?

Halloween is around the corner and I’m already starting to gear myself up for various kinds of holiday stress over the next two months. There’s always a lot of ups and downs with family coming into town, more social activities to host and attend and the pressure of wrapping things at work up for...

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When I Don’t Know What I Want, I Suck

For months I’ve been contemplating this big blog post about the importance on setting intentions for guiding your career development and life (without having to rely on coaches and other expensive experts.) After all, I wandered in the wilderness for decades before I got a clue, continually saying...

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This Is How You Do It: Networking

  You know you're supposed to do it to get ahead, but somehow you just find excuses not to. Emily shows us that it's as simple as doing it. Just do it. -InPower Editors Last week I spoke to 4,000 women. Two back-to-back sessions at the Massachusetts Conference for Women with 2,000 attendees each....

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3 Steps I Used To Find Mentors To Catapult My Career

Young women often hear “get a mentor to get ahead!” Wondering what that advice is all about? Read on! – InPower Editors By: Joyce Akiko Are you a strong, ambitious young woman who wants more out of her life and career? A woman who knows she’s capable of making a huge impact, a big difference for...

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Does “Life Purpose” Really Equal Life Happiness?

At InPower Coaching we believe that having purpose is critical to both happiness and effectiveness at life - but what if you haven't found your life's calling? The thing you plan to devote every waking breath to forever? If you haven't found a "life purpose" are you destined for unhappiness and...

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Want to Attract Talent? Be Talent!

Someone recently asked me for my secret to making a good hire and attracting talented employees. I had to admit that I’ve never considered myself particularly skilled at hiring, even though I’ve made some stellar hires - if I do say so myself - so I had to dig deep for some executive coaching...

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