Women in Leadership

5 Ways To ‘Clear The Decks’ For Self-Care This Summer

Ah, summer... when the pace of life slows down. It's a time for lazing in the sun with a book... taking a nap... for really taking a break... making time for self-care. Does that describe your summer? Me either. For many of us, summer actually brings a bigger to-do list. The work demands keep...

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InPower Summer Camp: 20 Fun Activities for The Working Mom

Summer is a special time that you deserve to take advantage of.  You’ve worked so hard over the past year, survived the holidays and maybe even some big birthdays.  Now is a time to celebrate all of your achievements with a little rest and relaxation.  It’s summer time.  Get out there and really...

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The 3% Leadership Revolution: A (Missed) Opportunity For Women?

There is a quiet leadership revolution going on, a shift in the definition of success from “what” to “how.” In times of major change, the underdog has a strategic opportunity to end up on top. In this revolution, the women-in-leadership underdogs have a unique opportunity to capitalize on it and...

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The Glass Ceiling: Sometimes It’s Not About Sex

  There’s merit to the feminist narrative that says professional women aren’t hired for the top jobs as often because corporate cultures aren’t accommodating and sexism still exists – but sometimes it’s not about that at all. Sometimes, high-achieving women leaders are just not ready, or we...

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Women Leaders Aren’t A Modern Invention

You don’t know where you are going if you don’t know where you have been. It’s a common cliché, but it can be true – especially when we talk about women and leadership. When we think about historic women leaders, names that frequently come to mind are Cleopatra, Joan of Arc, Elizabeth I. We don’t...

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