What if I told you there was a secret to job satisfaction and if you only knew the secret, you’d achieve all the success you could imagine? Of course it’s not that easy…. Or is it? Choose to let go of the story you tell yourself that makes you feel unsatisfied. April Fools! There IS a secret! The...
Dana Theus
Leadership Communications: 4 Steps to Co-Opt Those Voices in Your Head
So much leadership communications training is about what we say to others, but the most powerful leaders have open communications with themselves too. Learn from Dana's insights on a new way to lead - from within! - InPower Editors Great leaders often cite “self-awareness” as the top soft skill...
Office Humor
Why did the executive cross the road? Doesn’t it strike you as ironic that some of the best laughs we have at the office are when we’re sharing a Dilbert cartoon or joking about how much this meeting reminds us of a scene from The Office? So often office humor is just us laughing at how incredibly...
Dress For Success vs. Inner Power
Today we’re excited to kick off our newest partnership with SilkArmour UK, an INpowered women’s fashion site. SilkArmour will also host our newest InPower Women’s forum. Read Dana’s journey to making peace with fashion, Barbie and the trappings of external power below and then join the SilkArmour...
Spring Break
Woo hoo! I’m headed to the beach for spring break! We’re taking advantage of my son’s spring break from college to take him to Honduras to visit his brother and take the family diving off the coast. And…. I have so many things left undone in the office. When I stop and think about it I wish I...
The 3% Leadership Revolution: A (Missed) Opportunity For Women?
There is a quiet leadership revolution going on, a shift in the definition of success from “what” to “how.” In times of major change, the underdog has a strategic opportunity to end up on top. In this revolution, the women-in-leadership underdogs have a unique opportunity to capitalize on it and...
3 Tips To Help Women Network Effectively For Career Development
There is simply no career development strategy--whether you work for someone else or for yourself-that rivals an expanded personal network. This means you need to learn how to build your network in order to find the kind of career satisfaction you want today--and into the future. But that doesn't...
Alone Time
My husband is going to be traveling a lot in the months ahead, and I’m preparing for some alone time. Many of my friends are worried about me. They worry I’ll get lonely, and I probably will from time to time, but you know what? I’m really looking forward to some alone time. Alone time let’s me be...
Why You Should Cultivate a Leadership Mentoring Style
Someone once gave me the greatest compliment. She said, “Since you’re my mentor I think you can help me with this.” Until that moment I had no idea I was her mentor! From that day forward, I started paying more attention to my interactions with her, being more clear explaining my thinking, being...
Mindfulness at Work: The Secret to Productivity and Reduced Stress
What is mindfulness and why do you care? Most importantly, can you do it in the middle of a busy life? Çan you practice mindfulness at work? Mindfulness is an ancient tradition that’s all the rage now. Time magazine’s cover promoted it last year and Harvard Business Review regularly promotes it to...