
6 Tips To Help Working Moms Let Go Of Their Fears

I am on vacation. Right now. It’s great sitting on the beach each day with the kiddos digging hole after hole. But sometimes while gazing out at the ocean I begin to worry about things in my life. I don’t want to spend my vacation worrying about anything. I want to spend my vacation enjoying...

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Envisioning Your Ideal Working Mom Lifestyle

I invite you to take this moment to dream about your ideal working mom lifestyle. Not sure where to start?  Follow these steps to help create your vision. Assess What Your Personal and Professional Values Are What is important to you? When you are envisioning your ideal working mom lifestyle know...

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InPower Summer Camp: 20 Fun Activities for The Working Mom

Summer is a special time that you deserve to take advantage of.  You’ve worked so hard over the past year, survived the holidays and maybe even some big birthdays.  Now is a time to celebrate all of your achievements with a little rest and relaxation.  It’s summer time.  Get out there and really...

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Embrace the Power of Choice

Feel stuck?  Choose to become unstuck. Have you ever felt stuck in a job, with a daycare, or just in a bad situation?  It's a sinking feeling when you feel like there's no way out. But we have good news!  In this month’s Working Mom chat Dana and Lizzy will talk about how you always have a choice...

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3 Strategies to Blend Life and Work

"Work-life balance" is an overused phrase that unrealistically reinforces an idea that equal parts of work and life are the goal. They're not. Today we know that work is a part of life and that we are constantly juggling them both. While in some ways this is exciting and wonderful, in others it's...

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Let’s Get Clear On Clarity

Welcome to the first post in our monthly InPower Working Mom Chat series! Today Lizzy and Dana will talk about how important it is to get grounded and CLEAR as a working mom, for the sake of yourself, your family and your work! - InPower Editors Come join us Wednesday, November 12th at 1:00PM EST...

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5 Tips to Strengthen Your Self-Efficacy

Mastering Self-Efficacy Helps Smooth Out the Bumps in Life “Self-efficacy: The belief that one has mastery over the events of one’s life and can meet challenges as they come up” Self-efficacy is the most important part of Emotional Intelligence (EQ) that a Working Mom needs to master. Let me give...

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