
Find Your Style: Wear What Suits You

This piece is part of the “Un”fashion Carnival at InPower Women to support our partnership with Silk Armour UK and your effort to find your style. - InPower Editors I never understood what “it suits you,” meant. I heard it from others, and thought I understood it, but it wasn't until nothing in my...

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How to Achieve Your Goals

Hey it's not the "new year" anymore, how are those resolutions coming? Yeah... us too. Enjoy Mary's more pragmatic take on what brings real change to your life. - InPower Editors Tired of the whole “new year, new you” resolution practice? Most times, it doesn’t happen. On average it takes you 66...

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Women Leaders Aren’t A Modern Invention

You don’t know where you are going if you don’t know where you have been. It’s a common cliché, but it can be true – especially when we talk about women and leadership. When we think about historic women leaders, names that frequently come to mind are Cleopatra, Joan of Arc, Elizabeth I. We don’t...

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Live Your Own Fairy Tale by Negotiating Your Own Value

My dirty little secret: I love Disney princess stories. My favorite princess was Aurora of Sleeping Beauty. When I was four, I would convince my uncle to play-act the story with me - from the initial curse to the 16 year-old pricking her finger, falling asleep, and being rescued by the prince. My...

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As We Get More Women in STEM, Have We Limited Their Options?

About a month ago, my friend Maureen called me for advice. A young family friend, April, was entering college, and she was getting a lot of pressure to be a STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) major from family and teachers. She excelled at math and science, but she loved her English...

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