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The Wisdom of Failure

The Wisdom of Failure

  The word "failure" has been popping up on my various lists and feeds lately. A lot. Maybe this means the global universe is pondering this subject - or maybe it's just my brain's way of saying that I should. Why-ever it's appeared on my radar, I'm paying...

Lessons from a Power Breakfast – What’s at STAKE?

Lessons from a Power Breakfast – What’s at STAKE?

To everyone but us, we were a power breakfast. Meeting early at the Mayflower Hotel in downtown Washington DC, we were strategists behind an international organization representing 160 of the biggest companies and Non Governmental Organization (NGO) nonprofits in the...

Captain Obvious Gets A Lesson in Empathy

Captain Obvious Gets A Lesson in Empathy

There have been a number of projects where I observed a client not following industry best practices. It was weird. The client company had many smart employees, so for them not to follow best practices, to not do what was obvious, seemed strange. Why not do what every...

How To Change

How To Change

Everyone wants to change. The airwaves are full of tempting enticements to cause change in our bodies, our minds and our relationships, but the real process of change is so much more organic and subtle than a pill or piece of exercise equipment can deliver. When I was...

Fear of Failure and Embracing The Inner Loser

Fear of Failure and Embracing The Inner Loser

  Does fear of failure hold you back? True story.  A few months ago I had a rather large speaking engagement.  It was with an audience larger than I usually speak in front of, with content I hadn’t delivered before.  The night before the conference...

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Are You A Leader?

Most of us have a clear image of a leader. Strong. Smart. Confident. “In Charge of insert-something-important-usually-having-to-do-with-power-or-money-here”. I don’t buy that image of leader. To me, a leader is ANYONE who takes a stand and influences other people to...

3 Skills To Vault You Into Leadership (And Help You Stay There)

Meg* and I were lunch-brainstorming how to help one of her direct reports who is struggling to “fit” into her recent Director-level promotion. Meg noted that this woman – we’ll call her Kathy* – found it hard to see the forest for the trees. Meg thought Kathy had tons...

Success is Messy

Buddhists and psychologists alike tell us that non-attachment to outcomes is the key to success. There is tremendous value in thinking this way - and it's a key component of my executive coaching work on speaking truth and building your internal power. Non-attachment...


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Career Advice

5 Steps to Getting Back In Control

We all have those times where we feel out of control and overwhelmed. Instead of getting upset about it, and even more anxious, Dana reminds us that some simple lessons we learned as a kid can help us get back on top of our schedule and—more importantly—our energy. –...

Leadership Strategies: Leading From the Middle

Traditional leadership paradigms are pretty “top down,” but as modern leadership gurus help us see that such hierarchical decision-making structures are reaching their limits, it’s time to start exploring ways that employees can lead from the middle. Conveniently for...

Gratitude – A Gift to Build Teams into a Community of Possibility

We tend to think of gratitude as a personal and spiritual practice, not something that belongs at the office. Mary sets us straight and shows us how important being grateful - often and audibly - is to leading collaboratively. Thanks, Mary! - InPower Editors It was...

Women in Leadership

Three Key Questions for Women Who Invest (or Should)

There are many types of power and financial power is certainly one of them. How is your portfolio? We like the way Lorraine lays out a simple framework for financial investment. How's your portfolio? - InPower Editors As an investment advisor, I have had many...

Research Summary: Women Angel Investors

Title: Women Angel Investors and Entrepreneurs Are Doing Well Study: The Angel Investor Market in Q1Q2 2011: A Return to the Seed Stage (Sohl, Center for Venture Research 2011) Finding: While the number of women in the investment biz is still small, their...

More women in Computer Science? Yay!

It's an old story, computers are too geeky for girls. But not anymore! We're glad to report that women in computer science are increasing their numbers! Know a girl who likes computers? Encourage her! (Please repost) - InPower Editors Source: Best Computer...

Diversity & Inclusion

Research Summary: Womenomics

Title: TBD Study: Womenomics 3.0: The Time is Now (Matsui, Suzuki, Eoyang, Akiba, Tatebe, Goldman Sachs 2010) Finding: TBD Note about The Woman Effect Research Index: This study was performed by researchers not affiliated with InPower Women. Our Research...

Research Summary: Girls Count

Title: TBD Study: Girls Count: A Global Investment and Action Agenda (Ruth Levine, Center for Global Development, Cynthaia B. Lloyd, Population Council, Margaret Greene, International Center for Research  on Women, Caren Grown, American University, 2009) Finding: TBD...