Career Development

Stop Networking, Make A Career Connection

Listening to a panel discussion on career advice, I asked the speaker, “So, how did you find your job?” Boom came the answer, “Networking! That’s the way to go.” I have heard this same advice from mentors and friends ever since then. As a computer science major, to me “network” means the linkage...

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Bored At Work? Stay Inspired And Learn New Things At Work

The world is changing by the minute. It’s exciting to see the constant changes with mobile, the Internet of Things, Agile, Lean, social media, bots, video. We are rethinking our world - how we live in it, how we play in it, and how we work in it. And then there is the work environment we have to...

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Why Hire a Life Coach?

May is National Mental Health Awareness month! Here at InPower Coaching, we view “health” very holistically, to include your sense of well-being. People often ask the difference between therapy and coaching. There’s a big difference! In fact they often work well side-by-side. Therapy takes you...

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Job Satisfaction Secret

What if I told you there was a secret to job satisfaction and if you only knew the secret, you’d achieve all the success you could imagine? Of course it’s not that easy…. Or is it? Choose to let go of the story you tell yourself that makes you feel unsatisfied. April Fools! There IS a secret! The...

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How to Achieve Your Goals

Hey it's not the "new year" anymore, how are those resolutions coming? Yeah... us too. Enjoy Mary's more pragmatic take on what brings real change to your life. - InPower Editors Tired of the whole “new year, new you” resolution practice? Most times, it doesn’t happen. On average it takes you 66...

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Are You Fully Charged? 5 Ways to Energize Your Work & Life

I recently had the pleasure of hearing best selling author and Gallup researcher, Tom Rath, speak at a conference.  While researching his latest book, he asked 10,000 people a simple question:  Did you have a great deal of energy yesterday?  If I asked you that question, how would you respond? ...

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What’s the Secret To Achieving Your Goals?

We’re all surrounded by goals. ToDo lists. Management Objectives. Career Goals. Personal Goals. [Tweet "You name it, we’ve got a goal about it."] Why is it we feel sometimes that achieving your goals is so hard? In my experience, our biggest limitation when it comes to setting goals is that we...

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