Coaching Advice

5 Leadership Lessons From The Worst Bosses I’ve Ever Had

I recently read a fabulous post by Steve Tobak on BNET with tons of great management advice based on his personal experience. It reminded me that after scolding Steve Jobs and other jerk bosses, I actually owe my two worst bosses some props in public. I doubt they’ll read this but you never know...

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January 17: Manage your own career – advice from Sharon Miller

  Subscribe to our YouTube Channel   What does it mean to manage your own career? I think we all assume that we do it, but sometimes we may coast a bit: Let our employer make some career decisions for us Let our bosses guide us a little more than we should Let our situation in life pull us...

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Whether you’re excited about the end or the beginning, BE excited. It’s so easy to focus on what we lack, but focusing on what we have will always make the process of getting stuff more fun. This works as we wait for Christmas morning or whatever joyous occasion awaits us this holiday season as...

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December 13: Jessica Olmon discusses taking 100% responsibility

  To be successful you must first be willing to take 100% responsibility for everything, both good and bad, in your life. When we take full responsibility, we regain control of our lives and stop seeing our circumstances from the perspective of a victim: someone who believes they have no...

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Dear Dana Workplace Advice: My Boss Is The Problem

Welcome to “Dear Dana”, our weekly column to give you workplace advice and coaching. Please write in and tell me about a frustration you’re facing at the office! – Dana Theus I recently got put on a team with a boss who is so negative that I’m feeling “infected” by her. It’s not just that I don’t...

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3 Essential Tips To Ace Your Job Interview

Congratulations! You got the job interview! It’s totally normal to feel excited and anxious when you get the call or email. It’s also normal to want to dive into preparing, but before you do, take a pause and look at how much time you have to get ready. Use that time wisely! If you’ve got short...

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Dear Dana Career Coaching: Resume Advice

Q: If you have held multiple positions at the same company, is it better to list those separately or grouped together on your resume and highlight that you were promoted multiple times? - Curious in New York A: Generally speaking you want to optimize resume space so repeating the same company's...

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Why Your Dream Job Isn’t a Just a Dream

If you could wave your magic wand and have the job of your dreams, would you? You might be surprised how many people have to stop and think about that question. I recently had a client who was so beaten down by her employer, doubting her own value, that she was afraid to start her job search...

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