Does fear of failure hold you back? True story. A few months ago I had a rather large speaking engagement. It was with an audience larger than I usually speak in front of, with content I hadn’t delivered before. The night before the conference I set the alarm for 6...
Coaching Advice
Getting Itchy At Work? Maybe It’s Time To Start Your Proactive Passive Job Search
Every job has it’s turning point, that time when you’re not learning as much as fast; or you’re losing interest; or starting to figure out what you really want to put your career energy into… even though you’re not quite ready to declare the job you’re in “ready to go.” It’s this “itchy point”...
Freedom of Choice: A State Of Mind
Yes, many organizations and governments are oppressive and need to be voted and fought against. But true freedom of choice is a state of mind. How can you tell? In any community, regardless of circumstance, you can find people who bear the burden of the rules around them differently. There are...
How To Start A “Happily Enough Employed” Job Search
If you’re “happily enough employed”, can you really be in a job search? Yes! In the career development world we call this a “passive job search” and it’s been shown that people who are happy where they are usually get the best job offers to go somewhere else and they’ll be even happier! To the...
Is There A Roadmap for Women’s Leadership and Career Success
As a human resources corporate executive, consultant and coach for many years I have had a front row seat to the challenges that women (including myself) faced in the development and growth of their careers and leadership. Most of us have firsthand experience of the ingrained persistent...
Solopreneurship – 3 Oxymoronic Ways to Climb The Corporate Ladder
What does it mean to be IN power when you’re working for yourself? The answer to that question, I believe, is meaningful for all of us – even those with bosses who climb the corporate ladder, live in cubes or on airplanes, slogging away on either side of the glass ceiling (which is there for some...
How To Conquer Your Fears
Fear will stop you dead in your tracks or make you run like hell. It’s supposed to do that. When you come face to face with a life threatening moment, like a fire in your house or a wild animal in your path, your fight or flight reaction kicks in; thank heavens for that. That’s what fear is...
Stop Networking, Make A Career Connection
Listening to a panel discussion on career advice, I asked the speaker, “So, how did you find your job?” Boom came the answer, “Networking! That’s the way to go.” I have heard this same advice from mentors and friends ever since then. As a computer science major, to me “network” means the linkage...
Bored At Work? Stay Inspired And Learn New Things At Work
The world is changing by the minute. It’s exciting to see the constant changes with mobile, the Internet of Things, Agile, Lean, social media, bots, video. We are rethinking our world - how we live in it, how we play in it, and how we work in it. And then there is the work environment we have to...
Why Hire a Life Coach?
May is National Mental Health Awareness month! Here at InPower Coaching, we view “health” very holistically, to include your sense of well-being. People often ask the difference between therapy and coaching. There’s a big difference! In fact they often work well side-by-side. Therapy takes you...