Coaching Advice

How to Turn Stress into a Healthy Resource

Stress can be a powerful and healthy resource. Yes, you heard me correctly – a resource. But wait, stress is bad, stress causes health problems, we all should try to diminish the stress in our daily lives… right? Not exactly. Sure, chronic stress can absolutely be harmful to health and well-being....

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How to Avoid Death-by-Meeting: What’s Our Intention?

The bigger the organization you work in, the greater the likelihood that you’ll meet your demise in death-by-meeting. What a horrible way to go! And the worst part? All that pain and suffering – and it’s usually a crap shoot as to whether you’ll get through all the items on the agenda.

No. Actually, the worst part is when you end up running those meetings yourself!

Agendas are often useful for thinking through what you want to cover. But – having an agenda does not mean having a meeting worth everyone’s time to attend. How to avoid death-by-meeting when you’re in charge? Agenda or not, take the time to think through your intended outcome for the meeting.

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The Wisdom of Failure

  The word "failure" has been popping up on my various lists and feeds lately. A lot. Maybe this means the global universe is pondering this subject - or maybe it's just my brain's way of saying that I should. Why-ever it's appeared on my radar, I'm paying attention.Lots of us used to be...

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Lessons from a Power Breakfast – What’s at STAKE?

To everyone but us, we were a power breakfast. Meeting early at the Mayflower Hotel in downtown Washington DC, we were strategists behind an international organization representing 160 of the biggest companies and Non Governmental Organization (NGO) nonprofits in the world. The Director, on a trip...

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Captain Obvious Gets A Lesson in Empathy

There have been a number of projects where I observed a client not following industry best practices. It was weird. The client company had many smart employees, so for them not to follow best practices, to not do what was obvious, seemed strange. Why not do what every other company does? I learned...

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How To Change

Everyone wants to change. The airwaves are full of tempting enticements to cause change in our bodies, our minds and our relationships, but the real process of change is so much more organic and subtle than a pill or piece of exercise equipment can deliver. When I was a little kid I was afraid of...

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Fear of Failure and Embracing The Inner Loser

  Does fear of failure hold you back? True story.  A few months ago I had a rather large speaking engagement.  It was with an audience larger than I usually speak in front of, with content I hadn’t delivered before.  The night before the conference I set the alarm for 6...

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Freedom of Choice: A State Of Mind

Yes, many organizations and governments are oppressive and need to be voted and fought against. But true freedom of choice is a state of mind. How can you tell? In any community, regardless of circumstance, you can find people who bear the burden of the rules around them differently. There are...

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INSPIRATION: Being Begets Doing

I’m a pragmatic person. When I want something to happen, I think about what I should DO. Seems logical, right? Cause begets effect. Stuff happens ‘cuz other stuff happened before it. Do something, make something happen. Duh. But… even though I believe that the way I choose to BE affects the stuff...

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