Coaching Advice

How To Start A “Happily Enough Employed” Job Search

If you’re “happily enough employed”, can you really be in a job search? Yes! In the career development world we call this a “passive job search” and it’s been shown that people who are happy where they are usually get the best job offers to go somewhere else and they’ll be even happier! To the...

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How To Conquer Your Fears

Fear will stop you dead in your tracks or make you run like hell. It’s supposed to do that. When you come face to face with a life threatening moment, like a fire in your house or a wild animal in your path, your fight or flight reaction kicks in; thank heavens for that. That’s what fear is...

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Stop Networking, Make A Career Connection

Listening to a panel discussion on career advice, I asked the speaker, “So, how did you find your job?” Boom came the answer, “Networking! That’s the way to go.” I have heard this same advice from mentors and friends ever since then. As a computer science major, to me “network” means the linkage...

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Bored At Work? Stay Inspired And Learn New Things At Work

The world is changing by the minute. It’s exciting to see the constant changes with mobile, the Internet of Things, Agile, Lean, social media, bots, video. We are rethinking our world - how we live in it, how we play in it, and how we work in it. And then there is the work environment we have to...

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Time to Change the Working Mom Culture

Have you ever been asked “How do you do it all”?  For me this question sets off many emotional triggers, like: “Wow!  You think I’m doing that well?”  - I’m proud “You think I do “it” all?” – I’m shocked “Have there been times when you thought I didn’t “do it all”? – I’m worried “What’s the big...

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Why Hire a Life Coach?

May is National Mental Health Awareness month! Here at InPower Coaching, we view “health” very holistically, to include your sense of well-being. People often ask the difference between therapy and coaching. There’s a big difference! In fact they often work well side-by-side. Therapy takes you...

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Office Humor

Why did the executive cross the road? Doesn’t it strike you as ironic that some of the best laughs we have at the office are when we’re sharing a Dilbert cartoon or joking about how much this meeting reminds us of a scene from The Office? So often office humor is just us laughing at how incredibly...

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