Coaching Advice

3 Steps I Used To Find Mentors To Catapult My Career

Young women often hear “get a mentor to get ahead!” Wondering what that advice is all about? Read on! – InPower Editors By: Joyce Akiko Are you a strong, ambitious young woman who wants more out of her life and career? A woman who knows she’s capable of making a huge impact, a big difference for...

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Does “Life Purpose” Really Equal Life Happiness?

At InPower Coaching we believe that having purpose is critical to both happiness and effectiveness at life - but what if you haven't found your life's calling? The thing you plan to devote every waking breath to forever? If you haven't found a "life purpose" are you destined for unhappiness and...

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Want to Attract Talent? Be Talent!

Someone recently asked me for my secret to making a good hire and attracting talented employees. I had to admit that I’ve never considered myself particularly skilled at hiring, even though I’ve made some stellar hires - if I do say so myself - so I had to dig deep for some executive coaching...

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The Power of Networking

Guest Author: Colleen Denston Have you ever had the “AH HA” moment when you finally get it? Well, I am here to tell you that your “AH HA” moment may be just around the corner. For a few years I had been looking for my dream job. Something that took me to the next career level and challenged my...

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The Leadership Effect

What if everyone woke up one day and decided to lead from inside their power? We all can. All you have to do is set your intention. And do it.

Watch this great video more for inspiration on your journey.

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Stop the Spiral of Negative Self Judgment

Elizabeth Gilbert, author of Eat, Pray, Love, shared in a speech that no matter how charmed her life looks, every day she falls short of what she had hoped to accomplish. Then she has to consciously stop her brain from beating herself up for her shortcomings. She ended by telling us to “Let go of...

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Work-Life Paradox: Conscious, But Not Happy

Over the past few months I’ve been hearing from clients and friends who struggle with a vague sense of dissatisfaction in their lives and careers. In most cases it’s not too tough to ferret out the source of work-life dissatisfaction; we scan our lives and find that we’re happy in life, but we...

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Stop Making Lists and Start Communicating Your True Value

No matter what our endeavor, whether we are in the job we love or seeking new opportunities we all seek to create value for those we serve. And yet, so many people involved with worthy ventures and causes don’t get traction because they struggle to say what those around them need and want to hear....

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There is power in language, but only if you look beneath the words themselves. Sometimes the words don’t matter, but the meaning does. I recently had someone lash out at me because of something I said – well, actually it was because of something I didn’t say. In the ensuing exchange it became...

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